Flashes of reality that occur in human existence are usually ignored because the ego ensures that one’s entire attention remains focused solely on the illusory world it has created. And yet, as human beings, we sense that there is something more. When this feeling arises—this flash of reality—some people feel the need to express it, most often using the most familiar means of expression. Every act of expressing reality must be spontaneous; otherwise, it becomes an act of illusion. A flash of reality must be expressed through expression, here and now—otherwise, it becomes an image that is further processed by the human ego and stored in the imagination. Such a painting, a product of imagination, appearing on canvas becomes factual but not real. Even the most impressive image is just another form of illustration of an illusory world, ultimately making it an act of false representation of reality. It is the work of a „reproducer”—for what else can we call someone who presents a creation of the imagination? Contemporary art indicates that in the past, this was simply „reproduction.” Perhaps all the art we know is invented, yet its universal function proves that humans have gone beyond animals. Man has become conscious. A conscious and capable reproducer of imagined images is a painter, but not an artist. An artist is someone else entirely. Certainly, the name ORAPISTA arose from the need to define an Artist who, by minimizing the ego, attempts to express the unspoken. By its very nature, the Orapista Artist, in performing an act in the material world, inevitably distorts reality and gives it non-existent qualities. However, their focus is not on the act of materializing energy but on the energy of creation itself. For example, a sketch of a being or an object on canvas becomes a screen for the artist to capture a flash of reality. For me, in orapism, a sketch of a woman is often such a screen— for projection of a perceptible flash of reality. The act of creating orapism is a state of integration of feminine and masculine energy in the coherence of heart and mind. Expression occurs in a complete state of flow. There are no thoughts. The Orapista Artist does not allow themselves to connect with the ego, avoiding states burdened by the human affliction of implanted condemnation, the need for absolution, and the desire to belong. They go beyond beliefs. The Orapista Artist is not interested in constructing their personality, nor are they a beggar seeking applause. They do not define themselves. The artist becomes a conscious observer. They are a tool of the expression of reality. Here, reality pours through the Orapista Artist. I could say, „Observe it, merge with it, and becoming the stylus, inscribe it upon the canvas.” Orapism is a tool for silencing the mind. It allows to directly access to the heart, the home of the soul . In new art, there is a need for a new human—one who trusts themselves, reflects their individuality and does not repeat the enslaving specter of artistic patterns. To fully experience orapism, the viewer must abandon using the mind, nowledge, and logic. Only in this way can one experience orapism. Orapism is an experience. Here, no definition is true. Orapism cannot be spoken. Orapism treats both the Artist and the viewer the same. It demands openness to reality from both.
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